Chronic Pain Relief
Complicated Myofasical Pain
Soft Tissue Rehabilitation
Low back pain, headaches, sciatica, shoulder pain…..
Pre Rehab for Surgery
Denise Cameron Holland
OsteoMyoFascial Massage
Denise has combined her 27 years of experience in chronic pain with a dual practitioner skill set and thousands of hours of continuing education. Her career began in 1997 at the University of Toronto Athletics Center and Lyndhurst Hospital for Spinal Cord injuries. When returning to her hometown, she managed a multidisciplinary pain clinic where she continued in her search for answers to "Why won't these trigger points go away." She took a significant leap forward after completing her Matrix Repatterning and Manual Osteopath training. She led her to become an instructor for multiple postgraduate courses, including Rekinetix, Shockwave Therapy and Low Level Laser Therapy.
She seized every opportunity to learn how the human body functions as a unit, achieving 6000 hours of education in myofascial therapy and chronic pain. Denise takes a “find the root cause” approach to pain and dysfunction. She takes the time to assess her client’s needs and wants to ensure the right treatment plan is established. Treatments are 70 min in length to ensure therapy is not rushed and clients have the time they need to allow their bodies to integrate the treatments,
As an instructor at Aquinas College in the Massage Therapy Program, and Manual Osteopathic Colleges of Canada, she spends much of her time mentoring new therapists as they progress into the field of healing, and currently runs the Biotensegrity Cupping Course for postgraduate massage therapists. Denise’s approach is unique, as it ensures the layers of your tension are addressed from bone, fascia, lymphatic, muscles and meridian lines, allowing you to unwind the layers of chronic pain.
Denise spends her free time with her 2 Rhodesian Ridgebacks and is currently completing her Canine Osteopathy degree with the London College of Animal Osteopathy.
Treatment Locations
On Wellness
515 1 St. SW High River Alberta
Treatments for Myofascial Osteopathic Massage are provided on Wednesdays from 10-5
In-Home Services
Email Denise at info@intuheals.ca
text at 905-376-4061
Treatments are by appointment only
Techniques provided
Treatments begin with listening to your history and goals. From there I listen to what your body is asking for and in which order it prefers to be released. Techniques can range from gentle bone and tissue melting, lymphatic drainage, visceral manipulation, cranial sacral release to soft tissue manipulation as needed.
I work layer by layer, releasing tension that prevents blood flow, movement, and tissue healing. It is essential that all fascia be clear and that nerves are not inflamed or compressed.
I use a combination of massage therapy and osteopathic principles along with intutive listening to provide the most comprehensive treatment possible. A typical treatment may include radial shockwave, silicon cupping, athletic taping, ultrasound or laser.
As a patient of mine, you will receive full access to Intu University Education. The more knowledge you gain, and the more you become aware of your body, the faster you heal.

Each client is unique and so is their treatment plan. I take a full history and complete an assessment, however I do find that palpation can be the best assessment, so each treatment is customized as we flow through the session.
I have been using both massage therapy and manual osteopathy for 30 years. Treatments are about what the body needs to heal not about the specific technique.
Each session is $150.00 and will last up to 75 minutes. The cost includes all modalities that may be used. The cost includes HST, and is covered under Massage Therapy extended Benefits.
I teach part time within the Massage Therapy and Osteopathic curriculum, as well as host post graduate trainings. Time is limited, but I love clinical therapy, so I ensure I carve out time to help people in chornic pain.
Yes, I offer mentorship for any therapist wishing to advance their skills. My specialty is to help you tap into your intutive gifts and make your treatments unique and effective. You can take my post graduate courses, or scheudule a one on one call with me. My mentee’s gain full access to the University and their clients recieve full access to the patient portal.
The most common conditions are Shoulder, knee and Hip surgeries and replacements. Often times the body has created an incredible amount of compensation, and pain is coming from more than just the structure to be removed. We work to ensure these compesation patterns are decreased, fasical scar tissue is removed and blood is flowing for a speedy recovery. There is come treamtments that cannot be done after surgery. Ideally 4-8 sessions before surgery is ideal.